The Left is Dangerously Close to Turning Arizona into California …
Governor Katie Hobbs wants to impose California’s DANGEROUS, COSTLY, and OPPRESSIVE policies on Arizona. She has even pledged spending millions to flip Arizona blue.

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The Legislature is hanging by a thread …
A SINGLE REPUBLICAN in the House and Senate is all that stands in the way of her radical agenda to turn ARIZONA into CALIFORNIA.

Hobbs and the Left’s Plan to Turn AZ into CA:
Open Borders & Endless Crime

Just like in California, the Arizona Left wants open borders and endless taxpayer incentives for illegal aliens. They’ll invite California-level crime by slashing criminal sentences, legalizing squatting, eliminating bail, and fully decriminalizing theft – attracting sophisticated crime rings to our state. (drop down below for citations.)
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- Oppose securing the Southern Border: - HB2365: Makes Arizona a “Sanctuary State,” denying any help enforcing immigration laws.
- AZ lawmaker admitting she doesn’t believe in having borders even to keep out criminals: - HB2434: Allows illegals to get State-issued driver licenses.
- HB2362: Allows illegals to obtain taxpayer-subsidized medical benefits.
- HB2619: Requires a judge to consider the race of the accused when setting bail and release. Imposing race-based sentencing rather than risk-based sentencing.
- Supports defunding the police and upending our criminal justice system: - Opposed and vetoed SB1231, which would have empowered local law enforcement to stop illegal immigrants crossing into Arizona outside of a lawful port of entry.
High Taxes & High Unemployment

Just like in California, the Arizona Left wants to make Arizona one of the highest tax states in the country, shut down building single family homes altogether, and crush small businesses with a high regulatory burden.
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- Introduced HB2360, a sales tax hike to fund taxpayer subsidized college tuition including for illegals.
- Introduced HCR2036, requiring a 2/3 legislative majority to lower any tax, making it impossible to ever cut taxes.
- Introduced SCR1046, nearly doubling the state income tax (billion-dollar tax hike.)
- Hobbs unilaterally shuts down single family home building in Maricopa County:
- Opposed HB2569, recognizing occupational licenses issued in other states reduces unemployment and the burden on workers.
- SB1316 Supports doubling the state gas and taxing every mile you drive.
Woke Schools & Corruption

Just like in California, the Arizona Left wants state-sanctioned racial discrimination, gender mutilation surgeries for minors, to repeal the Parents Bill of Rights, draconian penalties for “climate crimes” and to reward their political allies with taxpayer dollars.
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- Opposed SB1696 that prohibited schools from exposing kids to pornographic materials and books.
- Introduced SB1281, allowing cities to ban the use of plastic bags.
- Introduced HB2202, putting Arizona emission regulations on autopilot, automatically adopting whatever California does.
- Introduced HB2553, prohibiting appliances from being sold in Arizona that aren’t approved by the EPA.
- Opposed SB1138, protecting minors from irreversible sex change surgeries and dangerous cross-sex hormones.
- Opposed HCR2056, which would have prevented the state from discriminating against applicants based on race.
- Opposed HCR2050 protecting Arizonan’s gas cars and appliances.
- Attorney General Kris Mayes is investigating Hobbs’ pay to play scheme, rewarding big donors with taxpayer dollars:
The Bottom Line …
Don’t let the Left turn Arizona blue!